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Minimum Tank Size800 litres / 211.34 US gallons
Maximum Size40.0cm / 15.75inches
Reef CompatibleReef safe with caution
TemperamentMight be aggressive towards other species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Bluespotted hind, scientifically known as Cephalopholis cyanostigma, belongs to the Serranidae family under the category of Serranidae - Cephalopholis. It is commonly referred to as Blue-spotted rockcod or Bluespotted hind. This species can reach a maximum size of around 40.0cm and is native to the Western Pacific region, specifically from the Philippines to Australia, including areas like the Dampier Islands and the southern Great Barrier Reef. It has a hardy nature and is typically observed to grow rapidly if provided with adequate feeding.

Aquarium Suitability

Considered suitable with care for aquariums, the Bluespotted hind presents specific demands that need to be met to ensure its well-being. This species requires a very large aquarium as it grows, making it a challenge for home aquariums to accommodate it properly. It is advised to introduce hiding places in the aquarium, such as live rocks, to cater to its need for security and shelter.

Care and Hardiness

The Bluespotted hind thrives best when provided with a varied diet that includes fish, larger crustaceans like shrimp and crabs, as well as smaller crustaceans such as krill, mysis, and artemia. Additionally, this species might exhibit aggression towards similar fish species or when space is insufficient. It is crucial to note that the Bluespotted hind tends to flourish better when kept as solitary individuals in the aquarium.

Reef Suitability

Reef compatibility of the Bluespotted hind is marked as reef safe with caution, implying that while it can coexist within a reef tank, attention must be given to its potential interactions with other reef inhabitants. Due to its predatory nature, caution is advised when housing the Bluespotted hind in a reef setup.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for the Bluespotted hind, it is essential to ensure the tank size meets the minimum requirement of 800 liters due to its substantial growth potential. Ideally, include hiding spots between live rocks to provide the fish with places to retreat and feel secure. Maintaining stable water conditions within the parameters of pH 8.1-8.4, temperature ranging from 22.2-25.6°C, and a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025 is crucial for the well-being of this species.


Initially, the Bluespotted hind may display shyness upon introduction to a new environment, requiring a period of acclimatization. It has been noted to exhibit aggression towards similar fish species and can be territorial if not provided with adequate space. Observing its behavior and ensuring a suitable tank layout are vital aspects of caring for this species.

Feeding and Diet

This species demands a substantial feeding regimen due to its voracious appetite, consuming various types of food including fish, crustaceans, and other small marine organisms. Providing a diverse diet enriched with proteins and nutrients is essential to meet the nutritional requirements of the Bluespotted hind.


Regarding dimorphism and captive reproduction, further information specific to the Bluespotted hind is not provided in the available details.

Habitat and Distribution

In its natural habitat, the Bluespotted hind can be found in regions spanning from the Philippines to Australia, encompassing areas like Palau, New Britain, and the Solomon Islands within the Western Pacific. Its distribution ranges from the Dampier Islands off Western Australia to the Capricorn Islands of the southern Great Barrier Reef, inhabiting diverse marine environments along the way.


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