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Minimum Tank Size207 litres / 54.68 US gallons
Maximum Size7.6cm / 2.99inches
Reef CompatibleYes
Care DescriptionDifficult
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Waitei Anthias, scientifically known as Luzonichthys waitei, is a visually striking fish characterized by vibrant shades of orange, purple, and magenta. With an elongate body and a distinctive divided dorsal fin, this species adds a burst of color to marine aquariums.

Aquarium Suitability

The Waitei Anthias, also called the Magenta Slender Anthias, is a sought-after species in the aquarium trade due to its unique beauty. It is considered suitable for reef aquariums housing peaceful fish and is best kept in small groups of five or more individuals to promote a sense of security.


This Anthias species can be challenging to care for, requiring extra attention (TLC) when first introduced into an aquarium. It is crucial not to house Waitei Anthias with aggressive or overly active fish, especially larger and more aggressive Anthias species, to prevent conflicts.

Care and Hardiness

As a relatively shy species, the Waitei Anthias thrives in stable aquarium conditions and benefits from a varied diet of enriched frozen mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and high-quality flake foods. Acclimating them properly and providing a suitable environment are essential for their well-being.

Reef Suitability

The Waitei Anthias is considered reef-compatible and can coexist harmoniously in reef aquariums with other peaceful fish species. Care should be taken to ensure they have ample hiding spots and open areas for swimming, mirroring their natural habitat on reef slopes.

Aquarium Setup

To replicate the natural habitat of the Waitei Anthias, aquascape the aquarium with plenty of live rock to create caves and hiding places. Strong water movement is essential to mimic the current-swept drop-off areas where these Anthias species usually reside in the wild.


Known for their peaceful temperament, Waitei Anthias thrive when kept in small groups and appreciate a tranquil environment. They exhibit schooling behavior and are active planktivores, constantly on the lookout for their next meal.

Feeding and Diet

In captivity, Waitei Anthias should be fed a varied diet consisting of enriched frozen mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and high-quality flake foods. Supplementing their diet with live copepods and amphipods from a refugium provides them with essential nutrients for optimal health.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, Waitei Anthias are found in large groups on steep outer-reef slopes at depths ranging from 3 to 179 feet. Their natural habitat consists of areas with strong water movement and ample hiding spots, making it essential to replicate these conditions in an aquarium setting.


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