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Minimum Tank Size264 litres / 69.74 US gallons
Maximum Size10.2cm / 4.02inches
Reef CompatibleYes
Care DescriptionModerate
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Red-Bar Anthias, also known as Cooper's Anthias, showcases a light pink body color for males and a predominantly orange hue for females, with a red mid-body bar and a silvery belly for the latter. Sporting a striking light blue edging on their fins, these fish can reach around 4 inches in length. They are part of the Serranidae family and are native to a vast range spanning from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean, including regions from East Africa to Samoa, Japan, and Australia.

Aquarium Suitability

This species, given its peaceful temperament, is suitable for aquariums but demands specific conditions to thrive. A single Red-Bar Anthias can inhabit a 70-gallon tank adequately. However, keeping a group comprising one male and multiple females necessitates a larger tank of at least 125 gallons to accommodate their needs.

Care and Hardiness

Red-Bar Anthias require ample hiding spots like caves and ledges within the mid to upper levels of the tank. Their carnivorous diet should consist of a variety of foods, including frozen mysis shrimp, enriched frozen brine shrimp, and occasional high-quality flake offerings. Ensuring access to live foods like copepods and amphipods from a refugium enhances their overall health.

Reef Suitability

Being reef-compatible, the Red-Bar Anthias can peacefully coexist within a reef environment.

Aquarium Setup

To cater to the needs of Red-Bar Anthias, it is advisable to set up the aquarium with numerous caves and hiding places. Maintaining stable water conditions with a pH range of 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity between 1.020 and 1.025, and a carbonate hardness (KH) level of 8-12 is crucial for their well-being.


These Anthias species exhibit a peaceful temperament, making them suitable for community tanks. They are known to display interesting behaviors and can adapt well to aquarium life.

Feeding and Diet

Their diet should mainly consist of carnivorous options such as frozen mysis shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, and high-quality flakes. Offering a diverse range of foods ensures their nutritional requirements are met for optimal health.

Habitat and Distribution

Red-Bar Anthias are typically found in regions spanning from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean, including areas from East Africa to Samoa, Japan, and Australia. They prefer mid to upper levels of water and thrive in environments with ample hiding spots and suitable water parameters.


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