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Minimum Tank Size264 litres / 69.74 US gallons
Maximum Size7.6cm / 2.99inches
Reef CompatibleYes
Care DescriptionModerate
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Randall's Anthias (Pseudanthias randalli) is a species of anthias fish belonging to the family Serranidae. The males of this species display vibrant colors, turning striped in red and magenta, while the females can be identified by their yellow nose. They are known for their peaceful temperament and are considered to be moderate in terms of care requirements.

Aquarium Suitability

Randall's Anthias are best suited for aquariums of at least 70 gallons, preferably in a species-specific tank. When kept in small groups, a minimum tank size of 125 gallons is recommended. Males should ideally be kept alone with multiple females or singly. They prefer dwelling towards the bottom of the tank and appreciate having several hiding spots for security.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

This species of anthias has moderate care demands, requiring stable water conditions with a pH range of 8.1-8.4, a dKH of 8-12, and a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025. They are carnivores and do well when fed a varied diet that includes frozen mysis shrimp, enriched frozen brine shrimp, and high-quality flake foods in small quantities throughout the day.

Reef Suitability

Randall's Anthias is considered reef-compatible, making them a great addition to a reef aquarium setup. They add color and activity to the reef while coexisting peacefully with other reef inhabitants.

Aquarium Setup

For a successful aquarium setup, provide ample hiding places for the anthias to feel secure. Maintaining pristine water quality is crucial, along with a well-established refugium that can cultivate copepods and amphipods to offer live food as part of their diet.


These anthias are known to be peaceful in nature, making them suitable for community tanks. They tend to stay towards the bottom of the tank and may display schooling behavior, especially in the presence of multiple females.

Feeding and Diet

Randall's Anthias are carnivores that thrive on a varied diet. It is recommended to feed them frozen mysis shrimp, enriched frozen brine shrimp, and high-quality flake foods. Additionally, providing live food from a refugium can help meet their nutritional needs and keep them healthy.

Habitat and Distribution

In their natural habitat, Randall's Anthias can be found in the Western Pacific Ocean. They prefer coral-rich environments with ample hiding spots and open swimming spaces. Their distribution includes areas such as the Great Barrier Reef and the Coral Sea.


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