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Minimum Tank Size264 litres / 69.74 US gallons
Maximum Size8.9cm / 3.50inches
Reef CompatibleYes
Care DescriptionDifficult
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Princess Anthias, scientifically known as Pseudanthias smithvanizi, is a stunning deepwater fish highly sought after by dedicated anthias enthusiasts. Displaying a captivating sapphire pink hue adorned with golden-yellow flecks, this fish stands out as a jewel-like beauty among its kind. With intricate patterns resembling hand-painted strokes on its scales, the Princess Anthias truly earns its regal status in the world of anthias.

Aquarium Suitability

The Princess Anthias presents a challenge in terms of acclimation, making it a demanding addition to aquariums. Ideally kept in small shoals or singly, this species thrives best in the company of peaceful tankmates. Constructing a habitat with ample hiding spots and open areas ensures their comfort, especially when introduced before more active and territorial species.

Care and Hardiness

Adapting the Princess Anthias to aquarium conditions can be arduous due to their collection from depths of up to 228 feet and sensitivity to shipping stress. Once acclimated, they prove to be hardy and peaceful aquarium inhabitants. Providing varied carnivorous diets, including enriched frozen mysis shrimp and brine shrimp, along with high-quality flakes and live food from a refugium boosts their health and vitality.

Reef Suitability

Reef enthusiasts will delight in knowing that the Princess Anthias is compatible with reef environments, adding a touch of elegance to the underwater landscape. Their peaceful temperament makes them suitable inhabitants for reef tanks, contributing to the overall harmony of the ecosystem.

Aquarium Setup

Creating an ideal aquarium environment for the Princess Anthias involves aquascaping with abundant live rocks to form caves and hideaways. A steep reef profile with overhangs for shelter and diffused lighting enhances their comfort and visual appeal. Providing proper water oxygenation and surface area ensures the well-being of these vibrant deepwater anthias.


Known for their peaceful demeanor, Princess Anthias thrive in tranquil settings with compatible tankmates. Exhibiting hermaphroditic characteristics, they can transition from female to male if needed within a shoal. Observing them in small groups adds to their social dynamics and overall well-being in captivity.

Feeding and Diet

Offering a diverse diet of enriched frozen mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and occasional high-quality flake foods throughout the day fulfills the Princess Anthias' carnivorous needs. Supplementing their diet with live food cultivated in a refugium, such as copepods and amphipods, ensures a balanced and nutritious meal plan for these active planktivores.


The Princess Anthias, like many anthias species, displays unique dimorphic traits, with the ability to change sex based on social dynamics within their group. This natural phenomenon adds an intriguing element to their care and breeding behaviors, showcasing the flexibility and resilience of these captivating deepwater fish.


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