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Minimum Tank Size113 litres / 29.85 US gallons
Maximum Size17.8cm / 7.01inches
Reef CompatibleYes
Care DescriptionDifficult
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Half-Spined Seahorse, scientifically known as Hippocampus semispinosus, is a captivating species belonging to the Syngnathidae family. These seahorses are recognized for their unique appearance, with males showcasing colors ranging from yellow to dark brown with white accents, while females exhibit shades of yellow to dark red. In their natural habitat spanning the Timor Sea from N.W. Australia to Bali, Half-Spined Seahorses are often found in muddy substrate environments near mangroves.

Aquarium Suitability

With a peaceful temperament, Half-Spined Seahorses are best kept in a species-only aquarium or with small, compatible tank mates like gobies, pipefish, dragonets, and firefish. However, they should not be housed with aggressive or fast-moving fish that may out-compete them for food. These seahorses are not strong swimmers and prefer habitats with branching live rock, algae, or artificial decorations to hitch onto.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

Categorized as difficult to care for, Half-Spined Seahorses require specific conditions to thrive. Maintaining a stable temperature below 74°F is crucial to prevent Vibrio bacterial infections, particularly when housing other Syngnathid species. Regular removal of detritus and uneaten food, along with monitoring calcium and alkalinity levels, is necessary for their well-being. These seahorses are slow feeders, preferring multiple small feedings per day consisting of frozen Mysis shrimp and vitamin-enriched adult brine shrimp.

Reef Suitability

Half-Spined Seahorses are deemed reef-compatible, but caution should be exercised when selecting corals and invertebrates as tank companions. While sea fans and certain branching corals may be safe choices, corals with stinging tentacles or those large enough to consume the seahorses should be avoided. Additionally, crabs and clams pose a threat, potentially causing injuries that could lead to infections.

Aquarium Setup

For a single pair of Half-Spined Seahorses, a 30-gallon aquarium is recommended, with an additional 10 gallons per extra pair. Implementing spray bars can help create gentle water flow and prevent stagnant areas. Maintaining appropriate water parameters with a pH of 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025, and a carbonate hardness of 8-12 dKH is essential for their optimal health.


Being social and curious creatures, Half-Spined Seahorses exhibit engaging interactions with their environment, tank mates, and even their caregivers. Their unique behaviors and engaging personalities make them a fascinating addition to marine aquariums.

Feeding and Diet

As carnivorous feeders, Half-Spined Seahorses primarily consume frozen Mysis shrimp supplemented with vitamin-enriched adult brine shrimp. While they may also feed on amphipods and small crustaceans found in live rock, a varied diet with multiple small feedings per day supports their nutritional needs.

Dimorphism and Captive Reproduction

Male and female Half-Spined Seahorses display slight variations in color patterns, with males often sporting hues of yellow to dark brown and females showcasing shades of yellow to dark red. Similar to other seahorse species, males are responsible for incubating and giving birth to live young. In captivity, successful breeding and reproduction of Half-Spined Seahorses can be a rewarding yet challenging endeavor.

Habitat and Distribution

In their natural habitat within the Timor Sea, from N.W. Australia to Bali, Half-Spined Seahorses prefer environments with muddy substrates near mangroves. These habitats provide them with suitable conditions for foraging and seeking shelter, reflecting their unique ecological niche within the marine ecosystem.


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