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Maximum Size2.5cm / 0.98inches
Reef CompatibleYes
Care DescriptionEasy
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Margarita Snail, scientifically known as Margarites pupillus, is a sought-after addition to home reef tanks due to its ability to consume substantial amounts of algae, particularly hair algae. These snails, which belong to the Trochacea family, are non-venomous and exhibit a peaceful demeanor towards corals, invertebrates, and other tank inhabitants. Margarita snails are small, with a maximum size of about 2.5 cm, and come in variations such as the Coraline Margarita Snail, known for its pinkish appearance due to Coraline Algae growth on its shell.

Aquarium Suitability

Margarita Snails are considered easy to care for, making them suitable for aquarium enthusiasts of various experience levels. They thrive in well-established tanks with ample algae for sustenance. It is advisable to keep them in cooler water temperatures and alongside peaceful tankmates, although they can adapt to slightly higher temperatures up to 78°F.

Demands, Care, and Hardiness

These herbivorous snails have specific care requirements to thrive in an aquarium environment. Margarita Snails are sensitive to fluctuations in water parameters such as pH, temperature, alkalinity, and nitrate levels. They should be acclimated using a drip acclimation method when introduced to a new tank. Ensuring sufficient calcium levels in the water helps promote healthy shell growth.

Reef Suitability

Margarita Snails are considered reef-compatible, posing no threat to coral species within the tank. Their peaceful temperament and algae-eating habits make them a valuable addition to reef ecosystems.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for Margarita Snails, it is important to provide a well-established environment with ample algae growth. Maintaining proper water parameters, including a pH range of 8.1-8.4, alkalinity between 8-12 dKH, and a salinity level of 1.023-1.025, is crucial for their well-being. Supplementing their diet with dried seaweed is necessary, especially when natural algae levels are low.


Margarita Snails are peaceful creatures that focus on grazing algae growth in the aquarium. They are known to be relatively active and can be observed diligently cleaning algae-covered surfaces within the tank.

Feeding and Diet

As herbivores, Margarita Snails primarily feed on algae present in the aquarium. Ensuring a consistent source of algae is essential for their diet. Supplementing with dried seaweed offered on an algae clip or wrapped around a rock helps prevent starvation, particularly in tanks with limited algae growth.

Habitat and Distribution

Margarita Snails are commonly found in home aquariums and are native to marine environments. Their natural habitats include rocky and algae-rich areas where they can graze on various algae species to meet their dietary needs.


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