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Maximum Size5.1cm / 2.01inches
Reef CompatibleYes
Care DescriptionEasy
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Zebra Turbo Snail, scientifically known as Turbo sp., belongs to the Turbinidae family and is recognized for its striking appearance with a dark black shell adorned with elegant tan stripes. These snails are valued for their adeptness at removing algae in aquariums.

Aquarium Suitability

With an easy care level, Zebra Turbo Snails are suitable for beginner marine aquarists looking to maintain a clean and healthy environment. They are peaceful in temperament and can coexist well with other tank mates.

Care and Hardiness

Zebra Turbo Snails are easy to care for, requiring a diet rich in algae supplemented with dried seaweed when algae levels are low. It is crucial to maintain appropriate calcium levels and avoid copper-based medications and high nitrate levels.

Reef Suitability

Zebra Turbo Snails are reef-compatible, making them a favorable choice for reef tank setups. They help control algae growth and contribute positively to the reef ecosystem.

Aquarium Setup

In the aquarium, provide ample hiding spots and plenty of room for grazing, ideally among live rock. Maintain water conditions within a pH range of 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity of 1.023-1.025, and a carbonate hardness (KH) level of 8-12.


These snails exhibit peaceful behavior and are mostly active at night, scavenging for algae as their primary food source. They are known to climb aquarium glass to feed on algae growth.

Feeding and Diet

As herbivores, Zebra Turbo Snails primarily feed on algae, which helps in algae control within the aquarium. Supplement their diet with dried seaweed to ensure their nutritional requirements are met.


Distinguishing between male and female Zebra Turbo Snails can be challenging due to their lack of prominent physical differences. Breeding these snails in a home aquarium setting is notably difficult.

Habitat and Distribution

In their natural habitat off the coast of Asia, Zebra Turbo Snails can be found dwelling in crevices and holes within reefs. Their distribution is mainly concentrated in these marine environments, contributing to the ecosystem's balance.


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