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Minimum Tank Size500 litres / 132.09 US gallons
Maximum Size35.0cm / 13.78inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 30°C / 86.00°F

General Description

The Redhead Cichlid, scientifically known as Vieja Synspila, is often mistakenly identified as Vieja synspillum, and is one of the most readily accessible species of the Vieja family in the aquarium trade. While not as aggressive as some of its counterparts, this fish still requires cautious handling. It is recognized for its vibrantly colored appearance and can grow up to 35.0cm in size.

Aquarium Setup

A minimum tank size of 500 liters is recommended for the Redhead Cichlid. When setting up the aquarium, provide rocks, bogwood, and branches to create distinct territories for each fish. Securely position these decorations to prevent damage to the tank if the fish dislodge them. A sand or fine gravel substrate is ideal, and lighting levels are not crucial. Additionally, ensure adequate filtration to maintain water quality (see table).


This species exhibits moderate aggressiveness and can be kept in a community with robust Central American cichlids if ample territories are provided. While a bonded pair often coexists peacefully, attention must be given to prevent bullying of the female. Success in a community tank is not guaranteed, and careful monitoring is essential.

Feeding and Diet

Primarily herbivorous in the wild, the Redhead Cichlid accepts a varied diet in captivity. Offer high-quality cichlid pellets as a staple, supplemented with meaty foods like prawn, mussel, and white fish. Including vegetable matter such as spirulina or algae wafers is crucial for a balanced diet.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding this species involves overcoming the challenge of establishing tank compatibility between the pair. Once acclimated, they spawn readily, typically on a prepared site like a large stone or cave. During spawning, the male may display aggression towards the female, necessitating removal if excessive. The male is distinguishable by its larger size, vivid coloration, and development of a nuchal hump.

Habitat and Distribution

The Redhead Cichlid is endemic to the River Usumacinta basin in areas spanning Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize. It thrives in still or slow-moving lowland river sections and lakes, occasionally inhabiting mildly brackish environments. While it's unknown if the species can survive long-term in brackish water, it's best to mimic its natural freshwater habitat in captivity.


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