Fresh Water
Etroplus Maculatus

Etroplus Maculatus

Perciformes Print

Family: Cichlidae
Synonym Names: Chaetodon maculatus Bloch, Glyphisodon kakaitsel Lacepède, Etroplus coruchi Cuvier
Classification Order: Perciformes

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Minimum Tank Size430 litres / 113.59 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 28°C / 82.40°F
Hardness10.03dgH / 179ppm - 20.00dgH / 357ppm

General Description

The Orange Chromide (Etroplus Maculatus) is a relatively peaceful cichlid species that showcases vibrant yellow-orange coloration, popular in the ornamental fish trade. It remains a niche due to its selective breeding for specific aesthetic traits, and it exhibits unique behavioral characteristics that distinguish it from other cichlids.

Aquarium Setup

To successfully house Orange Chromides, a tank size of at least 430 liters (113 gallons) is recommended. The species thrives in both freshwater and brackish water environments but is intolerant to acidic conditions. Decor choices are flexible but should include structured elements like rocks, driftwood branches, and sandy substrates to mimic their natural habitat.


Orange Chromides are typically peaceful, only becoming territorial during breeding periods. They do not pose a threat to larger tankmates but can display aggression towards weaker individuals within their group. Maintaining them in groups of eight or more individuals is advised to establish a natural dominance hierarchy and minimize stress-induced behaviors.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, Orange Chromides are generalist feeders, consuming aufwuchs and algae along with acting as cleaners for other fish by consuming parasites. In captivity, they readily accept high-quality prepared foods but display a preference for live or frozen delicacies like chironomid larvae, Tubifex, and Artemia. A varied diet including live and vegetable-based foods is crucial for their overall health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

During breeding, Orange Chromides form temporary pair bonds and are biparental substrate spawners. Both parents actively participate in guarding the eggs and fry, displaying intricate care behaviors to ensure offspring survival. Sexual dimorphism in Orange Chromides is challenging to discern, with conflicting information regarding color patterns and markings between sexes.

Habitat and Distribution

The natural habitat of Orange Chromides includes brackish estuaries, coastal lagoons, and the lower reaches of rivers in peninsular India and Sri Lanka. While predominantly found in brackish waters, they also inhabit freshwater environments, showing adaptability to varying salinity levels. Notably, these cichlids are endemic to the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka, showcasing a unique distribution pattern within these regions.


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