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Minimum Tank Size650 litres / 171.71 US gallons
Maximum Size22.5cm / 8.86inches
Temperature26°C / 78.80°F - 32°C / 89.60°F
Hardness0.00dgH / 0ppm - 5.04dgH / 90ppm


Geophagus altifrons is generally peaceful unless breeding and does not prey on fishes larger than a few millimeters. It can be kept with a variety of peaceful species that share similar environmental conditions, while aggressive or territorial substrate-dwelling species and those needing harder water should be avoided. Geophagus altifrons tends to exist in loose aggregations except when spawning, with juveniles often displaying strong grouping behavior. A dominance hierarchy is established within a group of 5-8 individuals, and weaker specimens in smaller numbers can be targeted by dominant individuals or cause the group to behave nervously.

Feeding and Diet

Geophagus altifrons, being benthophagous by nature, feed by taking mouthfuls of substrate and sifting for edible items, expelling remaining material through gill openings and mouths. Their diet consists of small aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, plant material, organic detritus, and sediment. They require a mix of high-quality prepared foods, live or frozen options like bloodworms and Artemia, and vegetable matter. Regular feeding of small portions multiple times per day encourages natural browsing behavior and promotes optimal growth and health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Geophagus altifrons is a substrate-spawning, biparental mouthbrooder that can be bred successfully in aquariums. There is no distinct sexual dimorphism, except when spawning, when the male fertilizes eggs laid by the female. The pair engages in courtship displays before selecting a spawning site and defending it. The female typically holds the eggs, and post-spawning, the male may become aggressive or assist in parental care. The fry are cared for by both parents and eventually become free-swimming, feeding on powdered dry foods and live prey.

Habitat and Distribution

Geophagus altifrons is predominantly found in the lower reaches of rivers and floodplain lakes in Várzea regions, preferring clear and blackwater environments with sandy, gravelly, or muddy substrates. They inhabit sloping marginal zones with scattered rocks, tree roots, and branches. Distributed across various tributary drainages of the Amazon basin, different populations show variations in color and patterning, leading to speculation about potential cryptic species. The species has also been introduced successfully to streams and reservoirs in Singapore, where it thrives.

Aquarium Setup

A suitable tank setup for Geophagus altifrons includes a soft, sandy substrate to enable natural browsing behavior. Additional decor such as driftwood, roots, branches, and flat rocks for spawning sites can be included. Leaf litter, common in their natural habitat, is not recommended due to feeding behavior causing excess detritus. Maintaining stable water conditions with ideal parameters of pH 4.8-6.6, hardness of 0-90 ppm, and temperature of 26-32°C is crucial. Over-filtering the aquarium, performing regular large water changes, and avoiding high flow rates are essential for their well-being.


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