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Minimum Tank Size70 litres / 18.49 US gallons
Maximum Size9.0cm / 3.54inches
Temperature28°C / 82.40°F - 30°C / 86.00°F

General Description

Endemic to Lake Barombi Mbo in Cameroon, the Stomatepia Pindu is a species of Cichlidae that can reach a maximum size of 9.0cm. Critically endangered due to habitat destruction and human activities, this species is rarely found in the aquarium trade. Its striking coloration includes a notable black hue when in optimal conditions or during spawning.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, a minimum tank size of 70 litres is recommended. A sandy substrate with rock piles or driftwood formations to create caves and hiding spots is ideal for recreating their natural habitat.


Stomatepia Pindu shows little aggression towards conspecifics, making it possible to maintain them in a group. They are best kept in a species tank to increase the likelihood of successful spawning, as they are indifferent to other fish even during this process.

Feeding and Diet

As micropredators, their diet should consist mainly of live and frozen foods. Supplementing with high-quality pellets or flakes ensures balanced nutrition for Stomatepia Pindu in captivity.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Limited published information exists on their reproductive behavior. Stomatepia Pindu is a maternal mouthbrooder, where the female lays eggs, the male fertilizes them, and the female carries them in her mouth for 3-4 weeks. Post-release, fry can be fed brine shrimp nauplii, microworms, or powdered dried foods.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic solely to Lake Barombi Mbo, a volcanic crater lake in Cameroon, the species faces threats from habitat loss, introduced species, and overfishing. Efforts towards captive breeding are crucial for their conservation. Designating the area around the lake as a protected zone has been proposed to safeguard not only Stomatepia Pindu but also other threatened species inhabiting these waters.


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