Fresh Water
Aphyosemion Loennbergii

Aphyosemion Loennbergii

Cyprinodontiformes Print

Family: Nothobranchiidae
Classification Order: Cyprinodontiformes

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Maximum Size5.0cm / 1.97inches
Temperature18°C / 64.40°F - 22°C / 71.60°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 5.04dgH / 90ppm

General Description

Aphyosemion Loennbergii, a member of the Nothobranchiidae family within the Cyprinodontiformes order, was initially discovered in the Kienké River in southwestern Cameroon and is widespread in the Lokundje and Nyong drainages. This species typically reaches a maximum size of about 5.0cm and thrives in water conditions with a hardness of 18-90ppm, a pH range of 6.0-7.0, and a temperature between 18-22°C.

Aquarium Setup

For Aphyosemion Loennbergii, it is recommended to replicate its natural habitat. This includes a well-planted aquarium with areas of open water for swimming. The water should be maintained within the recommended pH, hardness, and temperature parameters (see table) to ensure the health and comfort of the fish. Additionally, a secure lid is essential as these fish may jump.


Aphyosemion Loennbergii is known for its peaceful behavior, making it suitable for community tanks. It tends to occupy the mid to lower levels of the aquarium and appreciates having hiding spots among plants or decorations. Males may exhibit territorial behavior towards each other, especially during breeding times.

Feeding and Diet

These toothcarps are omnivores, with a diet consisting of a variety of live, frozen, and high-quality flake or pellet foods. Offering a diverse diet that includes live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia will help ensure their nutritional needs are met.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Aphyosemion Loennbergii is a seasonal spawner, with the males displaying vibrant colors to attract females. During courtship, the male will flare its fins and display intricate mating behaviors. The female will lay eggs, which the male will then fertilize. To increase breeding success, a separate breeding tank with suitable plants for egg-laying is recommended.

Habitat and Distribution

The natural habitat of Aphyosemion Loennbergii includes slow-moving streams, rivulets, and seasonal waters in Cameroon. They are primarily found in the Kienké River, which is now known as the Kribi River, as well as in the Lokundje and Nyong drainages. These fish prefer densely vegetated areas with plenty of hiding spots and tolerate varying water conditions within the specified parameters.


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