Fresh Water

Macropodus Ocellatus

Perciformes Print

Family: Osphronemidae
Synonym Names: Polyacanthus paludosus Richardson, Macropodus ctenopsoides Brind
Classification Order: Perciformes

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Minimum Tank Size72 litres / 19.02 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature10°C / 50.00°F - 22°C / 71.60°F
Hardness5.04dgH / 90ppm - 20.00dgH / 357ppm

General Description

M. ocellatus, commonly known as the Roundtail Paradise Fish, possesses distinctive characteristics such as a rounded caudal fin, eye stripe not connecting to the spot on the opercle, and filamentous dorsal-fin rays in adults. Belonging to the order Perciformes, this species, equipped with a labyrinth organ, can breathe atmospheric air, aiding its survival in various environments. With an intricate distribution spanning China, Korea, Japan, and potentially northeastern Vietnam, this fish exhibits color pattern variability among populations.

Aquarium Setup

In an aquarium of at least 72 litres, M. ocellatus thrives in a well-decorated setup, ideally without a substrate for easy maintenance. Providing driftwood, roots, and branches creates shaded areas while floating vegetation enhances breeding conditions. Dried leaf litter not only amplifies the natural habitat simulation but also fosters microbe colonies crucial as an initial food source for fry. Maintaining it in unheated tanks is suitable, with evidence suggesting benefits from a cooler winter period.


During periods of reproductive activity, male M. ocellatus display territorial aggressiveness, but when appropriately sized and decorated, they can coexist peacefully in a group within an aquarium setup. This species, a bubble nester, tends to tolerate females during nesting.

Feeding and Diet

In their natural habitat, M. ocellatus prey on insect larvae and similar organisms. When kept in captivity, they should be offered small live or frozen foods like Daphnia, Artemia, white worm, and grindal worm. They may also accept high-quality dried products as part of their diet.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Macropodus ocellatus engages in bubble nesting during reproduction. Providing a warm, humid environment stimulates reproductive behaviors. Males exhibit larger size and possess extended soft rays in the dorsal, anal, and caudal fins, distinguishing them from females. The mating process involves the male wrapping around the female during spawning, with eggs being lighter than water, floating to the nest after release.

Habitat and Distribution

Macropodus ocellatus can be found in a variety of habitats, including irrigation ditches, rice paddies, pools, and streams, enduring temperature drops below freezing in some areas. Its distribution encompasses a vast range in China, Korea, Japan, and potentially northeastern Vietnam, showcasing adaptability to diverse environments.


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