Fresh Water

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Minimum Tank Size243 litres / 64.19 US gallons
Maximum Size12.0cm / 4.72inches
Temperature25°C / 77.00°F - 29°C / 84.20°F

General Description

The Mchenga Flavimanus is a peaceful species of cichlid, typically unsuited for tanks with aggressive tankmates or similarly colored fish due to potential provocation. They are known to be shoaling species, with males requiring space for territorial development. Ideally, a single male should be paired with a group of three or more females to prevent one female from receiving excessive male attention.

Aquarium Setup

For a Mchenga Flavimanus, a tank setup with ample swimming space and a sandy substrate is essential. Including rock piles for hiding spots, variation, and potential spawning sites is recommended. The species is compatible with hard water-tolerant plant species like Vallisneria, Anubias, or Sagittaria.


Mchenga Flavimanus are shoaling and peaceful by nature, thriving in setups with appropriate tank mates. They exhibit territorial behavior, with males displaying colorful patterns to attract females for mating. It's advised to maintain a single male with a group of females to prevent aggression among tank inhabitants.

Feeding and Diet

Specialized zooplankton feeders, Mchenga Flavimanus can adapt to a variety of foods in captivity. Offering a combination of small live, frozen, and dried foods is recommended. Including vegetable matter like blanched spinach or Spirulina flakes in their diet ensures proper nutrition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Mchenga Flavimanus are maternal mouthbrooders, known to spawn in a harem consisting of one male and at least three females. During mating, males exhibit vibrant colors to attract females for fertilization. Females carry the brood in their mouths for over three weeks before releasing free-swimming fry.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Lake Malawi, Mchenga Flavimanus is commonly found around Nkhata Bay and various islands like Chitande, Mbowe, and Kande. They inhabit sandy areas or boulders in shallow waters and shoal in large numbers alongside other species, demonstrating a pelagic lifestyle.


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