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Minimum Tank Size270 litres / 71.33 US gallons
Maximum Size7.0cm / 2.76inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 28°C / 82.40°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 12.05dgH / 215ppm

General Description

Corydoras fowleri is a species commonly known as Fowler's Cory within the aquarium trade. They belong to the family Callichthyidae and are classified under the order Siluriformes. These fish are part of the group of closely-related Corydoras species native to southern Colombia, western Brazil, and northern Peru.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, Corydoras fowleri should be housed in a tank with a capacity of at least 270 liters (see table). It is recommended to provide a substrate of fine sand or clean rounded gravel. While the tank décor is flexible, ensure to include hiding spots to offer the fish a sense of security.


Generally peaceful with other fish species, Corydoras fowleri may display aggression, especially amongst males, during reproductive periods when competing for female attention. Best suited for larger community tanks, these fish thrive when kept in pairs or groups of 4-6 individuals.

Feeding and Diet

As foraging omnivores, Corydoras fowleri usually accept sinking dried foods of high quality, alongside small live and frozen varieties like chironomid larvae and Tubifex. However, some individuals, notably C. fowleri, may refuse dried foods and need live options for sustenance.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Corydoras fowleri is similar to other species within the genus. It is advisable to breed pairs of adults to reduce aggression levels. Females tend to grow larger and possess broader bodies than males. Mature males have thickened anterior pectoral-fin rays, while females have rounded ventral fins.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, Corydoras fowleri prefer quieter, smaller tributaries with clear, acidic water, fine sand substrates, and leaf litter. They are native to the Amazon basin in Peru, with their range extending from the río Ampiyacu towards Iquitos. However, uncertainties exist in their distribution, potentially reaching regions like the 'Tres Fronteras' where similar-looking species are found.


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