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Minimum Tank Size600 litres / 158.50 US gallons
Maximum Size25.0cm / 9.84inches
Reef CompatibleReef safe with caution
TemperamentMostly peaceful but might be aggressive towards similar species
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description:

The Blackbar soldierfish (Myripristis jacobus) belongs to the Holocentridae family and is commonly known for its red/grey coloration. This species is primarily nocturnal, preferring dim or dark lighting conditions, and tends to be secretive, often hiding among rocks and caves in the aquarium setting. They can reach a maximum size of 25.0cm and are native to regions such as the West Indian Ocean, The Mexican Gulf, and the West Atlantic.

Aquarium Suitability:

Considered suitable with care, the Blackbar soldierfish can be aggressive if not provided with sufficient space. They are mostly peaceful but might exhibit aggression towards similar species, so it is advisable to monitor their interactions closely. This species can coexist with others of its kind, given they are introduced into the aquarium simultaneously.


With a hardy nature, these soldierfish can adapt well to aquarium conditions but require a tank size of at least 600 liters. They are best suited for environments with overhangs and caves, mirroring their natural habitat. Being nocturnal, they are most active when the lighting is dimmed or turned off and may need time to acclimate to brighter lighting gradually.

Care and Hardiness:

Blackbar soldierfish are generally hardy but can pose a threat to small fish and crustaceans in the aquarium. Caution is advised when catching them to avoid damaging their large eyes due to their sensitive nature. Feeding these species may require some patience, as they may initially need live food to entice them to eat.

Reef Suitability:

Reef safe with caution, these soldierfish can be kept in a reef setup but may prey on small invertebrates. Monitoring their behavior in a reef environment is recommended to ensure the well-being of other tank inhabitants.

Aquarium Setup:

To set up an ideal aquarium for Blackbar soldierfish, it is essential to provide ample space, hiding spots like caves and overhangs, and subdued lighting initially. Ensuring a peaceful environment with minimal competition can help in maintaining the well-being of these fish.


Known for their secretive nature, Blackbar soldierfish tend to hide among rocks and caves, only becoming more active when they feel comfortable in their environment. They are generally peaceful but might exhibit aggression if territorial conflicts arise.

Feeding and Diet:

These soldierfish have a varied diet, including fish, larger crustaceans, other invertebrates, and small crustaceans like krill, mysis, and artemia. Feeding them in dim light or during the night when they are most active can encourage better feeding behavior.

Habitat and Distribution:

In the wild, Blackbar soldierfish are found in regions such as the West Indian Ocean, The Mexican Gulf, and the West Atlantic. They prefer rocky areas with ample hiding spots and are known to thrive in dimly lit environments, showcasing their nocturnal behavior.


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