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Minimum Tank Size264 litres / 69.74 US gallons
Maximum Size20.3cm / 7.99inches
Reef CompatibleWith Caution
Care DescriptionModerate
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Tibicen Angelfish, also known as the Keyhole Angelfish or Melas Angelfish, belongs to the Centropyge genus and is one of the larger angelfish species. Its coloring is primarily a dull blue to brownish-blue, with yellow accents on the pelvic and lower anal fins. A distinguishing feature is the egg-shaped white vertical bar on its mid-body, giving it its common name.

Aquarium Suitability

The Tibicen Angelfish requires a tank size of 70 gallons or larger with ample live rock for hiding and grazing. While suitable for aquariums, this species may nip at stony and soft corals, as well as clam mantles. Its diet primarily consists of filamentous algae, diatoms, Spirulina, marine algae, high-quality angelfish preparations, mysis or frozen shrimp, and other meaty items.

Care and Hardiness

Considered moderately challenging to care for, the Tibicen Angelfish can be semi-aggressive towards other tankmates. It is best kept in a well-established aquarium with stable water conditions, including pH levels ranging from 8.1 to 8.4, a specific gravity of 1.020 to 1.025, and a carbonate hardness (KH) of 8-12.

Reef Suitability

Reef compatibility with the Tibicen Angelfish is possible but should be approached with caution due to its tendency to nip at sessile invertebrates.

Aquarium Setup

The aquarium housing a Tibicen Angelfish should have plenty of hiding spots provided by live rock. Maintaining a consistent algae growth for grazing is essential, along with supplementing its diet with various prepared foods and meaty items. Regular feeding 2-3 times a day is recommended for optimal health.


This angelfish species is known to be semi-aggressive, especially towards other fish species in the tank. It may exhibit territorial behavior, especially if the aquarium is too small or lacks hiding spots.

Feeding and Diet

Being an omnivore, the Tibicen Angelfish consumes a varied diet that includes algae, angelfish preparations, and meaty foods like shrimp. Feeding frequency should be 2-3 times daily to ensure proper nutrition and health.


The Tibicen Angelfish is hermaphroditic, making it challenging to differentiate between males and females based on coloration. Breeding in captivity is very difficult, with no distinct visual cues to indicate gender.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, the Tibicen Angelfish is found in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly around coral reefs and rocky outcrops where it can graze on algae and small invertebrates. Maintaining a habitat in the aquarium that mimics these natural conditions is essential for the well-being of this species.


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