Fresh Water
Aphanius Baeticus

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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size5.0cm / 1.97inches
Temperature2°C / 35.60°F - 30°C / 86.00°F
Hardness10.03dgH / 179ppm - 35.02dgH / 625ppm

General Description

"Aphanius baeticus, a member of the Cyprinodontidae family, is a small toothcarp species that was previously considered a geographic variant of A. iberus until genetic and morphological differences were revealed in a 2002 study. It is distinguished by characteristics such as its dorsal and anal fin ray counts, body shape, snout length, and markings. With a maximum size of 5.0cm, this species is not widely available in aquatic stores due to conservation restrictions."

Aquarium Setup

"A tank setup for Aphanius baeticus should include provisions for its specific water requirements and spawning behavior. It is recommended to maintain this species alone or in a group with a ratio of two or three females to each male. The tank should offer broken lines of sight, hiding places for subdominant individuals, and suitable surfaces for egg deposition. Exposure to natural sunlight is beneficial for their colors and overall condition, and the addition of marine salt may be necessary for some populations."


"A. baeticus displays aggressive spawning behavior and is not ideal for community aquariums due to its territorial tendencies. Captive reproduction is recommended to support conservation efforts, with emphasis on maintaining proper male to female ratios. Males establish territories, defend them against rivals, and exhibit intense coloration to attract females. The species' continuous activity and interesting behavior make them intriguing subjects for dedicated aquarists."

Feeding and Diet

"Aphanius baeticus, like other Aphanius species, primarily feeds on small aquatic crustaceans, worms, insect larvae, and zooplankton. In captivity, they can be fed dried foods but should also receive regular meals of live or frozen foods like Artemia, Daphnia, or bloodworm. During the breeding months of spring and summer, a diet rich in protein is essential to support their high reproductive effort. Introducing a dried product with Spirulina content can be beneficial if natural algae is lacking in the aquarium."

Reproduction & Dimorphism

"Reproductive adaptations of A. baeticus include early sexual maturity, high reproductive effort, and fractional spawning between April and September. Females can release up to 1000 eggs per year, which should be carefully monitored and transferred to separate containers for incubation. Males exhibit intense coloration and defend territories during spawning. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced, with males displaying silvery vertical bars and darker fins, while females are larger with darker blotches and a distinct caudal marking."

Habitat and Distribution

"Endemic to southern Spain, Aphanius baeticus is found in the lower Guadalquivir River basin and along the southern Atlantic coastline, with a vulnerable population in Gibraltar. With only nine isolated populations at risk, this species faces threats from non-native competitors and habitat degradation. Most habitats consist of small hypersaline coastal channels with limited vegetation and varying water levels due to seasonal drying. Conservation efforts focus on captive breeding projects due to the species' endangered status."


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